Thursday was the Collegiate Day of Prayer, and their national celebration was webcast from the campus of Texas A&M.
Celebrating the revivals that have sprung from the Asbury Outpouring was a major theme!
You can watch it here:
Here's my article and two videos dedicated to the day:
Lord, as we celebrate the Collegiate Day of Prayer today, may our collective prayers ignite a new level of revival and awakening in our nation and around the world! In 2009 IFA board member Jeremy Story gathered several leaders of campus ministries in New York City to relaunch the Collegiate Day of Prayer, which started in 1823. That gave them time to build momentum for the bicentennial of a movement that transformed America. That celebration happened to close the 374-hour Asbury Outpouring. They were originally going to be broadcasting from the Asbury University campus the year before, but they felt led to wait a year. The Lord had something very special in mind. [Click to continue reading...]
Here's my interview with Story:
During my interview I mentioned Jeannine Brabon twice and he mentioned her, too. Joyce plays her in Songs of Revival: Hungry After God Himself.
I meant to include a link to the Collegiate Day of Prayer devotion that mentioned Brabon in my article, but I couldn’t find it in time. Click here to read it.
Lord, use yesterday’s event to raise up men and women like Jeannine Brabon who come out of Revival to spend their whole lives serving You!
In the interview I also mention that I was inspired to adopt a college near me in NYC. Here are highlights from my on-site intercession: